The National Film Authority is excited to welcome Studio investors into Ghana to explore opportunities as excitement rises in the international community about Ghana’s positioning
as a content hub and a shooting destination.
Project Shoot in Ghana umbrellas a number of initiatives designed to enhance the agenda of attracting the global cinema investor community into Ghana; as the project seeks to open up Ghana deliberately to the world of global productions.
Ghana is ideal as a shooting location, as it has great locations, it is relatively very safe, has a great skill and equipment landscape and it cost relatively less to shoot in Ghana than many other countries.
Many countries are using the vehicle of film to revive their economies after covid, as it is one of the quickest ways of attracting foreign direct investment, providing jobs and promoting tourism through film tourism, as many people who see the country in film may plan trips to Ghana.
Film shoots employ not only filmmakers, but a vast area of other professions including Lawyers, Doctors, Artisans, Designers, Drivers, Electricians, etc. Film is very unique in its ability to jump start economies and encourage the set up of new business to support the ecosystem.
The NFA uses the opportunity to call on all Ghanaians and Ghanaian filmmakers to support the drive to position Ghana as a film and content hub as well as a shooting destination