“Unveiling”, a powerful rape documentary directed by Kuukua Eshun to be premiered in Germany.

(“Unveiling” directed by Kuukua Eshun is a documentary that was created as a result of two women being vulnerable with each other. Unveiling their truths allowing each to see herself in the other.Produced by :Akpene Diata Hoggar and Kuukua Eshun.)

(Akpene Diata Hoggar and Kuukua Eshun.)

Kuukua Eshun is one of the fast raising young female directors based in Ghana.
Working with artists and platforms like;
Michaela Coel, Wizkid and Vic Mensa, Huawei, Facebook, Variety Magazine, Lifetime TV, The Economist, etc.

Kuukua Eshun has built a legacy from telling stories that express strength and
dominance through accessing spaces of feeling, sensitivity and dichotomous human experiences in her work.
Her belief in gender equality has pushed her to protest on the streets of Accra every sooften.
She recently, collaborated with UNFPA Ghana to hold a healing session for young women who are survivors of sexual assault.
Kuukua Eshun and formal Miss Universe, Akpene Diata Hoggar (2018- 2020) came
together to create a powerful documentary exploring the strength and healing process of rape/ sexual assault survivors.
It is estimated that approximately 35% of women worldwide have experienced some form of sexual harassment in their lifetime. In the majority of countries that have data available on rape report that less than 40% of women who experience sexual violence seek help. Less than 10% seek help from law enforcement.

Many women who experience sexual violence rarely report or come forward about their incidences, exact rape numbers are challenging to report. While many countries have laws against the act of sexual assault and violence, many of them are insufficient, inconsistent, and not systematically enforced.
As young African women, Kuukua Eshun and Akpene Diata Hoggar believe in letting their voices be heard and standing up against wrong being done to their gender across the world and most importantly, telling it from the African perspective.
It is imperative that they tell stories of violence against women as a form of raising awareness as an effort to putting a stop to rape, sexual abuse and assault.
This project hits really close to home for both of them.
They share that, they’ve also experienced first hand sexual assault on different
occasions at different times in their lives.
Kuukua Eshun and Akpene Diata Hoggar, believe they owe the generation of women who will come after them. They have a desire to create a safer community than what it currently is. Through this documentary film, they hope to start conversations around this important issue with the hopes of it becoming the norm in our society.
Unveiling documentary was Commissioned by the ANO Institute of Arts & Knowledge
and first shown at the Museum Ostwall im Dortmunder U (From December 10th – March 6th).
Ultimately, Kuukua and Akpene hope to set up organizations and collectives that will
consistently create a safe space for survivors of sexual violence to be held a few times in a month. This will encourage more people to share their stories and experiences without fear or doubts of being judged due to the stigma against the survivors.
They hope to build a strong network of African/ black communities who will support and help each other grow beyond the shared trauma. It is important to establish a collaborative definition of what sexual violence looks like to each Individual. As heard by some of the survivors.
It is necessary to educate young women and men who struggle with processing what sexual violence means and the different shapes it takes.

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