The gifted Ghanaian musician Selma OH, who is now residing in the US, has talked candidly about her life-changing religious journey. She said in a recent interview that coming to the US was a life-changing event that caused her to commit to God in a way she had never done before.

Selma OH explained that she didn’t have a deep connection to her faith while growing up in Ghana in an interview with DJ Qwequ on Ahomka FM. However, after she moved to the US, everything was different. She reevaluated her objectives and looked for a deeper meaning in life as a result of her new surroundings and experiences. Selma credits her move to the US as the catalyst for her commitment to God, saying, “I wasn’t committed to God when I was in Ghana. Moving to the United States changed me.”

“When I was in Ghana, I felt reluctant when called to sing at meetings and stuff. I felt I wasn’t good enough to lead, but when I got to the states, I began to be serious with singing. The church I went to was a very small church, and they hardly get someone to sing. It was only the Elder who did the singing and leading everything. So, I took over and started a choir, and I knew I had to be serious because there isn’t anyone to lead. I then became serious with singing and did what has to be done.”

As Selma OH continues to share her talents with the world, her dedication to her faith remains a guiding force in her life. Selma’s story serves as a testament to the power of new experiences and environments in shaping our beliefs and values. Her journey highlights the importance of being open to change and embracing new opportunities for growth.

Enjoy her latest song below:

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