Haruna Zoree and team wins big at Flow Film Festival in Florida, USA with Sodom & Gomorrah
A documentary film directed by Haruna Soale Seidu Zoree and produced by Richard K. Dzibolosu titled Sodom & Gomorrah has won Best Documentary Film at the Flow Film Festival in Florida, USA. Its about the lifestyle of the people living in slums in Accra called Sodom and Gomorrah. The city slum is located in the heart of Accra, and like other slums, it is not only overcrowded but lacks basic amenities necessary for the dwellers’ quality of life. Day in and out, there is an increasing number of people travelling far and near to seek refuge at the slum in search of greener pastures in Accra.
The film details the issues of health, quality of life, and well-being of these slum dwellers. It displays the real ghetto life of the people living in abject poverty while mainly focusing on discouraging rural folks who have been migrating from the villages to the slum to seek green pastures in Accra.
According to the Producer of the doc, Richard K. Dzibolosu, he hoped the film will also attract the attention of NGOs to come to the aid of the people.
“I was pushed to film this Doc to throw more light on the plight and their living conditions of these people. “When we went there to film, we were shocked by what we saw. It was very sad to see people living in this environment, having no idea of the implications on their lives,”
“It was an eye-opener for me. I was very shocked and also grateful for God because you might think you are going through a lot but when you see Sodom & Gomorrah you will realize that truly people are suffering and they need help. I wish this Docu will touch people to support this community because it is that bad,” Executive Producer, Belinda Gharbin also added.
Sodom & Gomorrah Scriptwriter, Princess Ngonda Angobe said the push factor for her to pen this project was to shine a light on the plight of women & children in the area. “Aside from the fact that we don’t want people migrating to this slum because it is toxically polluted and overcrowded, we are also concerned about children and women’s welfare at Sodom & Gomorrah. It’s crazy. So, we want to sensitize people not to go there,” she indicated.
The Docu completed in Feb. 2023 was directed by Haruna Soale, narrated by Prof Onestop Aduguz. It will held its World premiere at the FLOW Festival & Film Market Florida.
“We have also been selected to screen at 2 intl festivals: Oregon Docu Film Festival in Portland, Oregon and People’s Film Festival in Harlem, NYC.
“The Oregon Doc Film Festival has rated Sodom & Gomorrah, one of its top documentaries,” Executive Producer, Prince Richard revealed.
The Docu is a Pan-African project featuring Ghanaians, Nigerians and a Cameroonian.
Weeks ago, the cast & crew were at Old Fadama to donate some items to the community. Among the items donated were hundreds of cases of Aqua Phil water courtesy of Richard Kwame, Sanitary Pads courtesy of Dr Richard Clement, Param Ali & Christable Agbor. Some cases of Indomie were also donated to the community.