What’s the credibility of Kwame Addo to give the illustration of Ghana’s revolution?
“CHANGES” The New Dawn Of A Revolution
Many writers keep bringing their research about June 4th Revolution by Jerry John Rawligs. These researchers bring different thought of views talking about the causes and effects.
One may ask, why is Kwame Addo’s “CHANGES- The Dawn of Revolution” becomes the appropriate record for the period of the June 4th Revolution?
When I saw his book, I thought he is an ordinary ambitious writer who needs the attention of the Ghanaian populace so I took enough time to research about him. To my surprise I got to know he is the uncelebrated hero of Motherland Ghana and this is why;
Prof. Kwame Addo, Ghanaian artist, development architect and designer specializing in visual communication and project implementation. He has been a Professor of architecture, graphic design and industrial design at the Javeriana University and School of fine arts, Colombia, South America.
As a consultant and advisor to governments and private institutions, he works on projects in the Built Environment, Infrastructure, Tourism, and Marketing sectors.
Other publications include: ‘The Magic of the Marker’ – Design presentation techniques. (Educar editors 1987), ‘Visions of Ghana Decoding Development’ (Partridge Africa 2015) and ‘Afrika Awake’ – Visualized aspirational Roadmap of the African continent (Amazon 2020).
‘Changes’ was originally illustrated from March 1978 to October 1979 and revised in November 2020.
This Visionary is little known in his own country but has achieved so much at the international level. Some of his major achievements include the design of the 190EMercedes Benz car which is used worldwide, the architectural design of the BBVA Bank headquarters and the Colombian commemorative currency note for the discovery of the Americas, but his creativity has no limit!.
There has been a lots of commentary from international concerns about the book and one of the many is captured below:
Words of H. E. Claudia Turbay,
Ambassador of Colombia to Ghana
In the Book Launch
Decoding Development
National Theatre
Thursday 5th, June 2014
Dear Professor Kwame Addo:
Today is a great day for Ghana, its a great day for your friends, but very especially, you must feel proud of your rendering to your beloved Continent and your beloved GHANA.
Today is not only a great day for Ghana, but also for leaders, transformers, Heads of State, and the movers and shakers, who now have a unique and different Book, which Communicates Hope, and allows us to dream and advance with a deep understanding towards a better, more complete and happier Tomorrow. And that is what HOPE is made of.
Nine months ago, I arrived to Ghana, appointed by the President of Colombia to start an important and prosperous relationship between
our two countries that will allow us (Colombians and Ghanaians) to share and rediscover our common origin, our oneness. It is a magnificent job, and a privilege.
I remember when I first met you; it was our, mutual friend, Mr. Mike Amon-Kwafo, who introduced us! I was very happy to meet you, very respected Professor Addo, because, I had a very good perception about you and quickly discovered many important facts that were rapidly confirmed and most importantly, shared with others.
Let me quickly explain: I knew that you are a visionary, and a very unique person. I understood that I, was fulfilling your personal dream, because more than twenty years ago, twenty years before the opening of our mission in Ghana, you declared, in a newspaper interview in Colombia, that your vision and your hope was to see a Colombian Embassy in Ghana, because there were many common things that would allow us to develop together, fast and deeply. You talked among other things about music and food. I saw and read that interview!!! You were right. Your country and mine have a lot to do together. We already started!
I was happy to know my first Ghanaian friend that had lived in and loved Colombia, that speaks Spanish so fluently, that was a Professor, an architect, a cultural promoter, a composer… and also father to a beautiful Colombian Ghanaian daughter. I was very moved by the fact and knowledge of the meaning of your stay in Colombia. It was so fruitful for us. I knew very soon, and clearly, that you are an exceptional and talented person.
Today I can say without doubt that you were the first Ghanaian Natural Ambassador to Colombia.
Ghana can feel proud of you, too.
On the other hand, I was, without knowing it, part of your vision. I was so happy to experience my own happiness of being in Ghana, representing my country, and having the opportunity to participate as well in my own personal dream, while being Ambassador to
Ghana, but sincerely Dr. Addo
I was also very happy to know that this decision of my government and my presence in this friendly country, among its beautiful people was
part of your vision. I am here and it is happening!
Let me say that this book that you are launching today is a legacy that will be for sure the referential source for so many in Ghana and beyond. This book is a timeless roadmap that gives information and inspiration to this and Younger generations. It is a guide that marks step by step How to create a development plan, and how to make dreams real.
I am very thankful to have had the opportunity to know your Masterpiece, as I wish to call it and as I understand this magnificent Book, because I find it to be brilliant, very inspiring and possessive of a sophisticated sensibility to make the difficult, appear easy and simple. This is precisely what decoding development implies.
Decoding Development implies a life of observation, a philosophy that has been developed with the understanding of the hidden knowledge behind difficulties, as well as behind success.
Your sensibility as a teacher and as person responds to that of a person, that like you, is on permanent interaction and dialogue with the different levels of knowledge, different levels of reality, and why not say it, It also responds to your ability as an extraordinary musical composer with the talent of integrating information to create a musical new piece that Projects harmony, peace, and happiness.
Yours is a creative and generous mind! Colombia knows it and I am sure that every reader of your book will recognize the fortune of having you as a contemporary person that dares to show, what a wonderful thing it is to dream, and how, in following that path, peace may also be found.
Finally I can say that what moves me about the content of this book is to be able to say that it is one of those moments when you let each one of us say: your dream is also my dream.
Congratulations dear Professor Addo.
Story: Afrikaba Ronnie