Born Kofi Kakraba, Nana Kojo Mbra V was a visionary leader who made a lasting impression on the Central Region’s history. From an early age, he was destined for greatness, being born into the Royal Ebiradze family. He was selected for kingship at the age of 12, starting a path that would end with his enstoolment as Omanhen on July 27, 1948.

The people respected and loved Nana Kojo Mbra V for his wisdom, empathy, and foresight during his reign.

He placed a high priority on education, and under his direction, both new and established institutions flourished.

He oversaw the founding of the University of Cape Coast, a prestigious university.

Another feature of his reign was the construction of infrastructure. In addition to overseeing the creation of the Ministries, the High Court, and the Center for National Culture, he also started the Central Regional Hospital’s development. These initiatives changed the area’s appearance and set the stage for further development.

The Oguaa Fetu Afahye’s resuscitation in 1964 was one of Nana Kojo Mbra V’s greatest triumphs. Under his direction, this historic celebration—which had been outlawed by the colonial government in 1934 as a result of conflicts between rival Asafo companies—was brought back to its former splendor. This action guaranteed the region’s cultural legacy would endure for future generations and safeguarded an important component of it.

Nana Kojo Mbra V’s legacy bears witness to his commitment, insight, and foresight.

Throughout his reign, there was progress, tranquility, and a strong dedication to the welfare of his subjects.

The dedication of the Nana Kojo Mbra V Monument honors him and acts as a constant reminder of his significance to the area and history.


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