As we all know that the month of June every year is ‘Pride Month’, one which is a commemorative month to recognize the impact that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals have had on history locally, nationally, and internationally….but as it stands, MARIAM ANTRA, a 31-years-old nurse who is in love with her partner, Belinda Ayensu, 32 years, would have had no reason to be proud and be happy because of the intensity of the pressure and hate they have been facing for being lesbians, since an incident that nearly took their lives on the 18th of January, 2024.


Mariam who is currently outside the continent of Africa, was caught in bed with Belinda; they were tortured, bruised and almost maimed for being themselves. They were beaten close to death because Lesbianism according to the people who were inflicting that pain – the act is not accepted in their culture and environment.


They escaped by the whiskers and mercy of few persons who knew that if Mariam and her partner don’t run for her life, she would be lynched. So they ran away to their village to seek refuge.


On how she got abroad, it was from her savings as a practicing nurse that she gathered, got an agent who promised to facilitate the process of her escape to avoid any unforeseen death. The agent helped abroad through Mexico.


From the last time we checked, Mariam has been reported missing in her hometown by family members and friends and the environment at large, but as she says, it’s a lure to get her over and probably end her life as a result of the people frowning on the LGBTQ+ community.


We hope that the grace of being a Pride-fellow be enough for Mariam and her partner.

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