Edina Bakatue Festival 2024: The traditions, culture and heritage highly displayed during Edina Bakatue


The Edina Bakatue festival, which celebrates rich culture and heritage, began on Tuesday, and the medieval city of Elmina, sometimes referred to as “Edina,” was a hive of activity.

The Benya lagoon, which is next to the Elmina Castle, was the site of several traditional festivities, and the city was a bustle of activity.

A regatta on the lagoon demonstrated the power and skill of the guys involved in the fishing industry, as they proved in a tough race by combining brute force with skillful paddling and maneuvering.

As they enthusiastically applauded the competitors, the entire Edinaman community appeared to be assembled on the shores of the Benya lagoon to watch their yearly event.

The event’s honoree, President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, paid respect to the chiefs while narrating the festival’s historical, cultural, and traditional significance, drawing tourists from both domestic and foreign countries.

Acknowledging the work of relevant state security services to ensure the integrity of the elections, he committed to safeguarding peace and stability in the country.

Since 1847, the Chiefs and people of Elmina in the Central Region have been celebrating the Bakatue Festival every year, which starts on the first Tuesday of July.

A large durbar showcasing their distinctive customs will take place on Saturday, July 6, to cap off the week-long celebrations.

Edina Bakatue, which means “opening of the Benya Lagoon,” is a significant event that showcases the rich cultural history of the town’s citizens while also portraying the town’s historical beginnings.

At 1200 hours, an amazing parade led by Chiefs, Queens, and stool holders—some of whom were borne in gorgeously adorned palanquins—started from Akotobinsin.

Residents, Supis, Herbalists, Traditional Priests, and Asafohenfo took part in the procession to the lagoon side.

At the conclusion of the parade, Nana Kwadwo Condua VI, the Paramount Chief of Elmina Traditional Area, made a magnificent entry. He was dressed in white fabric with distinctive “Nyenya” leaves braided around his neck for protection.

He carried his sceptre, signifying his respected position and authority, and wore a straw hat (Berifikyew).

His clothes distinguished him from the other gold-accented chiefs. Riding in his luxurious palanquin under a magnificent two-tiered umbrella, he represented his dominance over everyone else.

The royal procession passed through Elmina’s principal streets, pausing momentarily for last-minute cleansing rites at the hallowed shrine. A courtier carrying a wooden tray allegedly filled with state curses and evils led the solemn procession forward. The chief linguists arrived at the river’s embankment, where they sacrificed sacred food, poured libations, and buried curses and evils.

The lifting of the ban on fishing, drumming, and funerals, among other activities, was announced by casting the Omanhen’s net thrice in the Benya Lagoon amidst the firing of a gun three times

One of the most captivating features of Edina Bakatue was the splendid parades and performances that filled the streets with vibrant colours. Festival goers, some dressed in traditional garb, performed dances, gave musical performances, and displayed artwork to highlight their culture.

Drum groups generated pulsating tunes that resonated over the town, while dancers glided elegantly to the beat, narrating stories about their forefathers and their ancestral ties to the land.

The Elmina people’s gracious welcome and the amazing show captivated a large number of tourists who attended the festivities.

In addition to the festival’s artistic significance, Elmina’s stunning coastline scenery and historic sites, such as the UNESCO World Heritage Site Elmina Castle, drew tourists.

The flood of visitors helped local businesses like restaurants, lodging facilities, and artisanal merchants by generating a substantial boost to the local economy.

This historical celebration honors our abundant cultural legacy, igniting our spiritual radiance and fostering a sense of national pride in our common ancestry.

Invoking fertility, an abundance of food and fish, good health, happy marriages, and deserving offspring, the event functions as a religious celebration.

It encourages harmonious coexistence between Elmina Township and its satellite traditional allegiance settlements, as well as peace and unity among the town’s residents.

Photo credit: John Mensah on Facebook

Video: Nana Kojo Conduah dances to Aseda by King Paluta


Source: Djqwequ

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